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Step 2: Form a Team

By the end of this module, you should be able to:
  • Identify who is on the outbreak team and describe what they do.

Now that we’ve established that an outbreak is occurring, it’s time to form our outbreak investigation team. Watch the video below to learn about forming an outbreak investigation team and be sure to answer the knowledge check questions throughout the video.

Let’s return to our previous case scenario in Mountain Valley.


  • Foodborne Outbreak Investigation and Response Team Roles and Responsibilities – Tennessee CoE (Online Course: Go to Part A and Go to Part B)
  • ICS in Action: Using the Incident Command System in Public Health Outbreak Investigations ( Go to Online Course)
  • Foodborne Outbreak Investigation: What Does an Environmental Health Professional Do? – Florida CoE (Go to Video)
  • Foodborne Outbreak Investigation: What Does an Epidemiologist Do? – Florida CoE (Go to Video)
  • Foodborne Outbreak Investigation: What does a Laboratorian Do? – Florida CoE (Go to Video)