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Proposal Development: Activities

Within the context of grant writing, activities are the actions you will take in order to reach your goals and objectives. Activities will typically make up your “workplan”. Activities describe to the reviewer:

  • what you are planning to do;
  • within what timeframe;
  • how you will measure success; and
  • who is responsible for ensuring the activity is completed.


Employees will have access to healthier foods. By (x date), modify all vending machines to include 50% healthy food options.
ActivityImplementation TimeframeMeasure of accomplishmentPerson in Responsible
Work with vending machine owners (at company x) to identify healthy food options.
Meeting held. Program Coordinator.
Convene 3 discussion groups of employees to identify healthy food preferences.
Preferences from discussion groups identified and prioritized. Program Coordinator.
Company x restocks machines with healthy food options.
Vending machines stocked with healthy food options Program Coordinator, Company x.

Think Like a Grant Reviewer!

Which proposal is more likely to get funded?

More likely to fundLess likely to fund
Applications that logically make the connections between need, goals, objectives, activities. Disjointed applications where connections are not made or are assumed.
Applications with clear, well organized objectives. Vague, thrown together.
SMART objectives used (if requested). Vague, not measurable.
Responsibility identified. Not clear who is doing what.
Course Progress 40%
Module Evaluation