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Concluding the Environmental Assessment
Target Objectives
- Organize the environmental assessment findings and compile into a final report
- Debrief the outbreak team
- Report findings to the state or national surveillance (i.e. NORS, NEARS)
Strategic Check
Writing the report
- Compile data and findings from the environmental assessment
- Be as specific as possible when describing dates and times
- If needed, redact names, titles, addresses, locations, etc.
- Share written report with investigation team and outbreak shareholders
- Submit report to the state or federal agency, if needed
- Prepare environmental assessment written report that may include the following components:
- Investigation introduction/background
- Overview of establishment site visit
- Observation, interview, and record review methods and findings
- Diagrams (i.e. food flow diagrams, establishment layout)
- Sampling results
- Contributing factors
- Recommendations
- Conclusions
Debrief with the team
- Review the environmental assessment findings with the outbreak team
- Compare findings with epidemiology and lab findings to identify consistencies and discrepancies
- Conduct an outbreak hot wash to review the successes and challenges of the investigation
- Discuss communication within the environmental health team
- Discuss communication between the outbreak team disciplines (epidemiology, environmental health, laboratory, etc.)
Surveillance reporting
- Review the environmental assessment findings to NORS, or ensure that the findings are being entered
- Report the investigation findings to NEARS or send findings to the state to report to NEARS